3 Days Ultimate Fly-In Gorilla Experience

Gorilla with new born baby

3 Days Ultimate Fly-In Gorilla Experience

Our 3 Days Fly-In Gorilla Safari in Bwindi, being the most popular safari in Uganda. Visitors doing Gorilla trekking in Bwindi and can now fly in just 2 hours to Bwindi and get off the Vehicle transfer of more than 8 hours.

We do have the morning flight leaving Entebbe as early as 0700am Arriving Kosoro or Kihihi Airstrips at about 0945 Am and the afternoon flight leaves Entebbe at 1200 arriving at 1455, well flight timing may vary depending on the aircraft routing. You will have the best of your gorilla trekking safari, so comfortable with a much rewarding experience without flying gorilla safari at Cool Tours.


  • Gorilla Permits are included
  • Virunga Mountains
  • Lake Mutanda Views

Minimum: 1 Person

DAY 1: WELCOME TO UGANDA (TripCare Adventures)
As you arrive at Entebbe International Airport, located on a peninsula that juts out into the largest freshwater lake in Africa. You will be received by TripCare Adventures representative who will transfer you to your accommodation which is (approximately 20 minutes away) in Entebbe Town. An important group meeting at 6 pm will be held at your accommodation. Please endeavor to attend the meeting.
Depending on the arrival time, if some time is left to spare, we will spend some time visiting and getting to know the local town. You can have a local town guided walk around and visit the town’s old colonial gardens or visit a nearby beach.

Meal Plan: Dinner will be a Private Arrangement
Accommodation: The Boma

After your early morning breakfast, you will transfer to the airport where you will catch a flight to KISORO AIRSTRIP in Western Uganda. The Flight is just under 1.5 hours, According to Airline timetable (DEPENDING ON THE TIME OF THE YEAR)
Departure is at 7:00 am and Arrival is at 8:10 am OR
Departure is at 7:45 am and Arrival is at 8: 55 am
Please Note:
More information about the flight will be availed to you after your booking and downpayment.
Timings may vary depending on aircraft routing.
Kisoro flights are subject to the prevailing weather conditions and strictly morning flights. 

As you arrive at the airstrip a representative from TripCare Adventures holding a placard with your name will receive you. The representative will get you onto 4*4’s TripCare Adventures safari vehicles and ready you for the journey to the camp/accommodation which is approximately 45mins where you will spend the night. You will transfer to the Lodge overlooking Lake Mutanda and Virunga Volcanoes in Kisoro District.
The lodge offers a variety of optional activities such as hikes, boat and canoe tours, swimming and sunbathing. Whether you feel like bird spotting with our tour guide, visiting Mutanda Island or just leisurely cruising the lake at sunset, a Mutanda lake boat ride is always rewarding. You will sleep in self-contained rooms at the lodge.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Accommodation: Mutanda Lake Resort


Get up early morning to a sumptuous breakfast at the lodge, after which shortly you will be transferred to the Magnificent Bwindi Impenatrable Forest National Park. At the park gate, you’ll be briefed on the Gorilla trek by the Uganda Wildlife Authorities. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest was declared a World Heritage site in 1994 because of its incredible biodiversity. This forest protects about half of the remaining 800 Mountain Gorillas. Once a trekking group encounters one of the gorilla families, only one hour is granted in the presence of the great apes before trekkers must leave, however reluctantly.
Be aware that the trek can be strenuous and may reach altitudes of almost 2,000 metres above sea level. Depending on weather conditions, some of the paths can be slippery and these paths themselves can change depending on the location of the gorillas. Therefore it is very hard to predict how long you will need to walk for, but a very good level of fitness is recommended for this trek. You can usually get very close to the mountain gorillas, and seeing their movements is like seeing a mirror image of yourself. Trekking can take approximately be less than 2 hours to 7 hours. From a safe distance, watch them eat, sleep, groom and play – the giant silverback surveying and guarding the scene. Enjoy a packed lunch in the wilderness. The lodge will park for your lunch which you will enjoy later in the day as you trek Mountain Gorillas. This is definitely the highlight experience for your safari in Uganda.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Accommodation: Mutanda Lake Resort

Shortly after your breakfast you will transfer to Kisoro Airstrip where you will catch a flight to Entebbe International Airport. The flight is just under 1.5 hours but presents a great picturesque views of the Pearl of Africa for any traveler. At this point, this is the End of your Safari with TripCare Adventures. Soon on arrival at Entebbe International Airport you will have to prepare for your International Flight back home. Depending on the arrival time, if there is some time left to spare, we will spend some time visiting Entebbe town till time for your flight.


Transport in a 4WD Toyota Vehicle
All fuel for the tour
Accommodation as listed in the itinerary;
Meals according to the itinerary;
All activities described in the itinerary;
1 gorilla permit per person (US$ 700)

International airfares
Entry visa Uganda
Meals that are not part of your accommodation;
A porter for during the gorilla tracking (someone who carries your daypack);
Personal (medical/travel) insurance;
Government tax or park fees increase;
Tips and gratuities to rangers, driver/guide, porter, hotel staff, etc;
All expenses of personal nature (e.g. drinks, laundry, optional activities, souvenirs etc.).

In case the mentioned lodges are not available during the requested period, we will do our best to book a lodge in the same class for you (of course we will only do this after consulting you). It is not possible to ‘reserve’ gorilla and chimpanzee permits so we will buy them only after your booking and down payment. Permits also depend on availability.

Since Gorillas are wild animals Gorilla trekking doesn’t 100% guarantee you seeing the gorillas although chances of seeing them are about 98%


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